A cooling, temperature-regulating duvet promotes healthy sleep

Restful night, energetic day
We humans need six to eight hours of sleep – if this is disturbed, it will make itself felt physically and psychologically after a short time. There are various factors that can affect a good and restful sleep, such as temperature. Only when the temperature is ideal for us can we slip effortlessly into deep sleep. In the so-called REM phase, not only important processing takes place in the brain, but at the same time the body recharges a lot of strength and energy here. If this does not happen, we feel tired the following day and our performance suffers. If you sweat at night, simply cannot find a suitable sleeping position and possibly get up several times, you will not recover. For the sake of your healthy sleep, you should test our cooling duvet. The SleepCOOL duvets contain small capsules filled with natural wax, which melts under the influence of heat and can absorb energy. When the temperature drops, the natural wax solidifies again and returns the energy in the form of heat. This cycle is constantly active and ensures a balanced climate and the much-needed nightly rest.

Sleep covered even in midsummer thanks to summer blankets
Our cooling, temperature-regulating duvets allow you to enjoy the cozy feeling that you feel when you are covered, even when the inside temperature is high. The feeling of being covered is part of our sleeping habits, it conveys security and protection. If this is missing, it can also lead to restless sleep. So don't do without the comfort of a cozy duvet and still stay cool even at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius - your body will thank you.